Tag Archives: alkaline ionized water

Homeopathy for Herpes

Homeopathy for Herpes Herpes affects 50 million plus people in the U.S. alone. About 80% of population don't even know they have it! It is caused by a virus HSV-1 (Oral Herpes) and HSV-2 (Genital Herpes). It usually hides dormant in your body so you won't know it's there until your immune becomes weakened and then the herpes virus can …

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Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water

Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water I'm sure you've heard of alkaline water by now. You see people at the gym drinking it, professional athletes, and even find it being served in fine restaurants. Is alkaline water any better than normal pH tap water and what are the real Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water? The Water you are drinking now, can …

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