How To Protect Yourself From Radiation

How to Protect Yourself from 5g Radiation

How to Protect Yourself From Radiation

How to protect yourself from radiation. Radiation is all around you, outside, in your place of work or study, and even in your home. Should you have some type of protection against radiation waves? It's not the natural radiation like solar radiation (even that can give you sunburns though) that we're worried about in this case. It's the nuclear radiation, microwave radiation, EMF's (Electro-Magnetic Frequencies like cellphones and Edison's smart meters) and even medical radiation treatments that damage your internal organs, cells and DNA. Fortunately, there is a lot you can do to prevent your body from absorbing the harmful types of radiation and even detox radiation if you have been exposed to harmful radiation types.


If you have been exposed to any harmful types of radiation, you should remove radiation from the body as soon as you can. There are specific symptoms of radiation poisoning if you are feeling sick and have recently had a radiation exposure or radiation treatment for cancer. You'll discover how to protect yourself from 5G radiation, Wi-Fi radiation, medical radiation as well as nuclear radiation. You can absolutely discover how to protect yourself from radiation exposure and poisoning by using the natural substances at the end of this article.


Radiation Types


Types of Radiation

The effects of radiation can last longer than a lifetime. They can damage ecosystems, oceans and whole cities (like in Chernobyl and Fukushima Japan.) There are 2 main Types of Radiation called non-ionizing radiation (lower frequency, larger wavelength) and ionizing radiation (higher frequency, shorter wavelength.) The Ionizing type using higher frequency and shorter wavelengths penetrate deeper and are the most harmful type. It can cause damage with little exposure. The non-ionizing type with lower frequency and larger wavelengths usually don't penetrate as deep but can really damage you over time. To keep things simple the Here are the most common types of radiation you encounter in your daily life:

  • Infrared Radiation usually comes from indoor sun bathing and tanning booths, massage and healing devices, pain relief devices and monitoring technologies. Infrared and Ultraviolet are the least harmful types and can be even beneficial to human health if used sensibly. 
  • UV Radiation (Ultra Violet Radiation) is usually from solar radiation (from the sun) and is not normally very harmful, unless you get really sunburned.
  • Laser Radiation can cause severe burns and eye damage if used improperly.
  • EMF (Electromagnetic Frequency Radiation) is from devices like WiFi towers, Cell Phones, Bluetooth devices, Smart Meters and other radio controlled devices. It can damage your DNA, disrupt your hormones, lower your immune system and cause milder forms of radiation sickness. 
  • Microwave Radiation this is the type that you use to cook, and it is the band of higher of WiFi and the newer cell phone technologies like 5G. It can fry you as well!
  • Radon Gas is produced by decaying radiation and can be found in many homes in soil and water. It is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking.
  • X-Ray and Medical Radiation Treatments (These types of radiation can damage your DNA, damage your immune system, destroy brain cells, nausea and vomiting, cause severe radiation sickness and cancer.) It does not cure cancer, it causes cancer!
  • Nuclear Radiation this is by far the most harmful type as it lasts the longest sometimes many thousands of years till it dissipates. Exposure to Radiation from nuclear sources cause radiation sickness, immune system shutdown, body deformities, severely damaged DNA, cancer and even death.)

The Radiation Exposure Effects on Humans can be devastating, it's not only what you can see, but what you can't that can damage your for life. No need to worry though, there is plenty you can do to learn how to protect yourself from radiation exposure poisoning.


radiation exposure


Radiation Effects on Humans

There are very hazardous Radiation Effects on Humans. It is known as Invisible Death because you can't see what harmful radiation particles are doing inside your body, you can only see it when it has damaged your organs. Since there is harmful radiation all around us now, thanks to radiation spill, it is in your drinking water (unless you get a radiation filter, shown below) and is showing up in your foods, particularly seafood. If you do choose to enjoy seafood, try and get north Atlantic types of naturally caught seafood as it will have less harmful radiation in it. See: is fish safe to eat for the safe ones and ones to avoid.


Radiation can damage every cell in your body. Your thyroid gland tries to absorb radiation so it won't poison your body. That's why nascent iodine is so important in keeping your thyroid healthy and protecting you as it can get overwhelmed by excess radiation. Radiation damages your genes (DNA) by penetrating it and causing it to make abnormal cell replacement (deformities) that cause cancer and abnormal growths in your body.


It causes lung, liver, bone, throat and leukemia (blood cancer.) It causes radiation poisoning if you don't detox radiation regularly from your body. The whole point of this article is that, yes it is around you, and you can absolutely protect yourself from harmful radiation and avoid radiation poisoning from exposure. Discovering how to protect yourself from radiation can help you prevent illness and even cancer.


symptoms of radiation exposure


Radiation Poisoning Symptoms

What are the most common Radiation Poisoning Symptoms? It is commonly called Invisible Death. Here are the signs and symptoms of radiation exposure and poisoning you can expect to see if you have any of the harmful types of radiation exposure:

  • Nausea and Vomiting (Called ARS or acute radiation syndrome, if after a radiation exposure you start with nausea and vomiting in an hour or so.)
  • External Bleeding (Body orifices, like mouth, nose, ears, eyes, etc.)
  • Bleeding Under the Skin (You can see what they call Hematoma's or dark patches of blood under your top layer of skin.)
  • Oral Sores or Mouth Sores on your lips
  • Bruises That Don't Heal (Radiation causes platelets to not form properly.)
  • Radiation Burns (Called CRS or Cutaneous Radiation Syndrome, most common symptoms is itching, then red blisters that burn.)
  • Bloody Vomit and Diarrhea
  • Seizures and Tremors
  • Hair Loss 
  • Headaches, Fever and Infections (from compromised immune system)
  • Weakness and Fatigue

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms of radiation exposure or poisoning, then see your holistic health professional and start treatment as soon as you can to limit long-term damage and stop the harmful symptoms of radiation poisoning. Use the natural supplements below to learn how to protect yourself from radiation quickly and safely. 


how to protect yourself from radiation


How to Protect Yourself From 5G Radiation

How to Protect Yourself from 5G Radiation. 5G radiation is a type of EMF radiation that is used to transmit cellphone data and signals. The frequency band is harmful to human (and animal) health, particularly young children and mature men and women. To protect your body against EMF radiation, there are specific technologies and devices like the Ultra Armor 5G Blockers (pictured above) that deflect these harmful waves from penetrating your body and causing genetic and immune system damage.


It's hard to stop radiation exposure from Wi-Fi devices all around you now. Discovering what you can do and how to protect yourself from radiation is critical to you and your family's health. EMF Radiation penetrates into your body and living spaces so you need to be aware of it and how to protect against this type of radiation.


It is best to take proactive measures when learning how to protect yourself from radiation. Natural therapies like earthing and keeping your cell phone away from your head as much as possible. To protect yourself from EMF radiation damage from devices like Wi-Fi equipment (cell phones, smart meters, microwave radiation, 5G towers, etc.,) then you can see the following article dedicated to that type of radiation protection: EMF Protection.



Homeopathic Remedies for Radiation

There are good natural Homeopathic Remedies for Radiation like EMF Radiation Detox (pictured above) that can help prevent radiation from damaging your DNA and causing radiation poisoning symptoms. Radiation particles cause imbalances in your body which lead to deformities and cancer. Homeopathic medicine helps rid your body of what doesn't' belong in it and boost what does belong, restoring balance. Homeopathy for radiation safely draws it out of your body so it can be excreted naturally.


Homeopathic medicine is a safe and effective way of how to protect yourself from radiation and keep your body balanced so you can achieve optimum wellness without harmful side effects of chemical medicines. You can use it with the any of the radiation treatment recovery nutrients below. The most important being the zeolites and nascent iodine, the two best protectors of radiation you can get. Use them and discover how to protect yourself from radiation.


zeolite pure


Remove Radiation From The Body

How to Remove Radiation From The Body safely and quickly. Zeolite Pure (pictured above) is my favorite zeolite detox for radiation exposure because it also has medicinal mushrooms to boost your immune system while you're detoxing the harmful radiation. Zeolite is nature's most powerful radiation detoxifier and cleanser. It does it better than anything else. It also helps your body get rid of heavy metals (radiation is actually a heavy metal,) harmful microbials like viruses and mycotoxins (fungus, yeast, mold) and is a natural cancer protector and tumor reducer. You want to also protect your immune system as it is damaged by radiation exposure and can leave you susceptible to autoimmune disease and chronic infections. 


Below is a list of natural supplements that can help you learn how to protect yourself from radiation and get rid of radiation toxicity in your body. You want to protect your thyroid gland from radiation uptake and help it detox radiation isotopes and particles quickly before they wipe out your immune system, damage your DNA, organs and brain cells. The best way to do that is by a thyroid support supplement that has natural sourced iodine in it. It is one of the best ways to learn how to protect yourself from radiation. 



Radiation Poisoning Treatment

How to protect yourself from radiation naturally. If you have been exposed to harmful radiation of any type, protect yourself now by using the following natural Radiation Poisoning Treatment. They are Listed in order or potency and importance (the first two are most important):

  • Zeolite Powder (The best natural supplement against radiation and heavy metal poisoning and exposure) Take as directed.
  • Thyroid Support (Pictured above, protects and energizes your thyroid gland naturally so it doesn't uptake radiation, protects against thyroid cancers)
  • Nascent Iodine is a Natural Iodine that protects your thyroid from radiation, infection, goiter, infection and even thyroid cancer. It is the best preventative against respiratory infections like coronaviruses (covid-19 and influenza) that affect your respiratory system. It also controls how much weight you can lose and how fast your hair falls out. Keep it healthy and be protected from hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism
  • Tulsi Holy Basil (Use aerial parts of herb, tincture or extract, helps the body eliminate radiation poisoning)
  • EMF Radiation Detox Drops (Is a homeopathic medicine that prevents EMF radiation from damaging your DNA and causing radiation poisoning symptoms)

You should also take nice hot baths with natural unprocessed dead sea salt (the highest natural mineral content), baking soda and dried ginger (about a 1/2 cup each for prevention, or 1 cup each for detox treatment in as hot water as you can stand). It is also important to make sure the food that you eat and the water that you drink is safe and is helping you instead of hurting you. Use the above methods to discover how to protect yourself from radiation toxicity. 


radiation filter

Natural Weight Loss

One comment

  1. Don’t let dangerous radiation wreak havoc and disease in your body, get it out fast using:Natural Zeolite

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