Homeopathic Remedies for Tinnitus Relief Tinnitus (ringing in the ears) is a symptom that is experienced by millions of people on our planet, particularly people who are 55 years of age and older. It can last for a few days, for weeks, months or even be permanent without treatment. Fortunately there are some new Homeopathic Remedies for Tinnitus Relief are …
Read More »Natural Remedies for PMS
Natural Remedies for PMS What are the best Natural Remedies for PMS? The best remedies for PMS treat the cause of your premenstrual syndrome symptoms completely. Until you stop menstruating, premenstrual syndrome is something that you have to deal with. It doesn't have to be a life sentence though. Using homeopathy for PMS can really help you better than anything …
Read More »How to Boost Your Immune System Naturally
How to Boost Your Immune System Naturally Without an active immune system you won't be living on earth very long. Your immune system is critical to your health. If you have a weakened or compromised immune system (like in Autoimmune disorders) it can making living very difficult. You'll discover How to Boost Your Immune System Naturally in way that actually …
Read More »Homeopathy for Herpes
Homeopathy for Herpes Herpes affects 50 million plus people in the U.S. alone. About 80% of population don't even know they have it! It is caused by a virus HSV-1 (Oral Herpes) and HSV-2 (Genital Herpes). It usually hides dormant in your body so you won't know it's there until your immune becomes weakened and then the herpes virus can …
Read More »Natural Pain Relievers
Natural Pain Relievers When you're in any kind of pain, it can be hard to do anything or even feel the need to do anything other than get rid of whatever is causing your pain. Pain is a symptom of a problem somewhere in your mind or body. You want to heal the cause of your pain but first you …
Read More »Natural Treatment for Hypothyroidism
Natural Treatment for Hypothyroidism Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland is functioning more slowly than normal. Not to be confused with hyperthyroidism is where the thyroid gland is working too quickly. An underactive thyroid gland can cause severe weight gain with the inability to get the weight off. It lowers your rate of metabolism (how many calories you …
Read More »Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome If you have been diagnosed with Chronic fatigue Syndrome (CFS) then you know how frustrating it can be to always feel cranky and tired. You probably have said or heard someone say about it “I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.” And it would ring true. You just can't seem to accomplish anything …
Read More »Natural ADHD Supplements
Natural ADHD Supplements ADHD is a health condition that affects neural networks and pathways in the brain (brain activity) that has become imbalanced. It is usually that the brain is reacting to excess mental stimulation due to chemical imbalances (usually from toxins and heavy metals in foods that end up in the brain) that need to be balanced for mental …
Read More »Homeopathic Arthritis Treatment
Homeopathic Arthritis Treatment Arthritis can really be a pain in the joint! It doesn’t have to be that way, and I will show you how you can actually get relief and begin reversing your arthritis in a safe and natural way using Homeopathic Arthritis Treatment. Standard medical treatments of arthritis have to do with surgery, joint replacements, prescription anti-inflammatories and …
Read More »How to Detox Your Body
How to Detox Your Body How to Detox Your Body naturally! is a safe and effective way to balance and cleanse your body naturally. Homeopathy is the science and art of balance of your whole being (mind, body and spirit.) It looks for imbalances and restores homeostasis (natural balance) so you feel healthy and whole again. There are little side …
Read More »Homeopathic Medicine for a UTI
Homeopathic Medicine for a UTI UTI's (Urinary Tract Infections) are three times more common in women than in men. Most Lower UTI's happen due to an infection that has entered the urethra and moved upwards. They are not usually due to sexual intercourse, but can happen if a partner has it on their tissues (fingers, organs, mouth, tongue, etc.) Homeopathic …
Read More »Treatment for OCD
Treatment for OCD OCD or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can leave you with analysis paralysis or feeling like you have to be a perfectionist 100% of the time, even though you have most likely done better than what 99% of others could do. It is unnecessary self imposed stress about one or more things that weigh heavy on your mind at …
Read More »Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water
Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water I'm sure you've heard of alkaline water by now. You see people at the gym drinking it, professional athletes, and even find it being served in fine restaurants. Is alkaline water any better than normal pH tap water and what are the real Benefits of Drinking Alkaline Water? The Water you are drinking now, can …
Read More »Homeopathy for Gout
Homeopathy for Gout Homeopathy for Gout are natural remedies that restore balance in your body, particularly in your uric acid levels. They relieve your symptoms of gout, like redness, swelling, and pain from acute gout or chronic gout. You don't want to just treat gout, you want to reverse it, and you can using natural remedies for gout like homeopathy …
Read More »Bach Rescue Remedy
Bach Rescue Remedy What is Bach Rescue Remedy? The Original Rescue Remedy by Bach (Dr. Edward Bach) is probably the most effective stress relieving and emergency panic formula ever created! It is so easy to use and is safe for people of all ages as well as animals and pets! It is homeopathically derived from the essences of specific …
Read More »Natural Remedies for Thrush
Natural Remedies for Thrush Thrush is one of those conditions that does not go away on it's own and gets progressively worse if you don't treat it. It affects babies, men, women and even animals, particularly horses. Thrush usually shows up as oral thrush, but it can also affect the private parts of both women and men, as well as …
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