Tag Archives: women

Natural Remedies for PMS

Natural Remedies for PMS What are the best Natural Remedies for PMS? The best remedies for PMS treat the cause of your premenstrual syndrome symptoms completely. Until you stop menstruating, premenstrual syndrome is something that you have to deal with. It doesn't have to be a life sentence though. Using homeopathy for PMS can really help you better than anything …

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Natural Pain Relievers

Natural Pain Relievers When you're in any kind of pain, it can be hard to do anything or even feel the need to do anything other than get rid of whatever is causing your pain. Pain is a symptom of a problem somewhere in your mind or body. You want to heal the cause of your pain but first you …

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Natural Ways to Quit Smoking

Natural Ways to Quit Smoking Natural Ways to Quit Smoking It doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell you that smoking is bad for your health as well as quantity and quality of life. it can damage relationships with non-smokers and severely limits your social life if you want to dine out in most restaurants now days, or even stand …

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Treatment for Neuropathy

Treatment for Neuropathy Neuropathy, also referred to as Peripheral Neuropathy is damage to the nerves of the peripheral nervous system. Using a Homeopathic Natural Treatment for Neuropathy can help this increasingly common condition without harmful side effects of traditional medicines. Neuropathy damage can be caused by trauma injuries like falls, accidents or compression injuries; illnesses that affect the nervous system …

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Homeopathic Medicine for a UTI

Homeopathic Medicine for a UTI UTI's (Urinary Tract Infections) are three times more common in women than in men. Most Lower UTI's happen due to an infection that has entered the urethra and moved upwards. They are not usually due to sexual intercourse, but can happen if a partner has it on their tissues (fingers, organs, mouth, tongue, etc.) Homeopathic …

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Natural Remedies for Thrush

Natural Remedies for Thrush Thrush is one of those conditions that does not go away on it's own and gets progressively worse if you don't treat it. It affects babies, men, women and even animals, particularly horses. Thrush usually shows up as oral thrush, but it can also affect the private parts of both women and men, as well as …

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